Jeremy is certainly a man on a mission - sharing his story all over the world and working toward a time when the two worlds he currently walks between meld.
A gifted man, Jeremy is a storyteller, performer, healer, artist, keynote speaker and master didgeridoo player.
A true example of someone on a mission - he can't help himself from being who he is and he can't help spreading his message all over the world.
Jeremy touches hearts, minds and souls when he communicates. He is a captivating speaker who will have you glued to his story with tears in your eyes. His artwork is mesmerising and his music touches deep within the core of every being who encounters his resonant sounds. His journey is unique, his early years traumatic but as a shining example of all who have faced adversity, he has turned his experiences into learning opportunities that will help others and keep on giving for eternity.
Any encounter with Jeremy is one of deep connection to the earth, to his heritage, to his land and to his elders. I can only think that his ancestors must weep tears of joy as they see him take his message so authentically to the world and with such respect for the traditions and the land.
I trust you enjoy this short journey with Jeremy - you can listen to the full interview here, either on your computer or you can download the mp3 file:
MP3 File
38:11 minutes
If you are time starved, you can simply enjoy the tool and use this gift with our blessing.
MP3 File
3:30 minutes
Jeremy will be presenting at Utopia International Retreat and will be creating ceremony and offers tools so people can make a deeper connection to the land and use the wisdom of teachings to help heal the land and it inhabitants. If you would like to book - simply click here.
Click here to visit Jeremy's website.
You find out more about the spiritual tours Jeremy takes to his land and the Sedona Tour with Raelene Byrne by clicking here or here
Can't get enough of Jeremy? Jeremy did an interview a few years back now for my people. It was a few days before Christmas and the energy of the call was wonderful. You can listen here
This video is of Jeremy performing at Didgefest 2009