Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why Being Recognisable Is So Important

While attending a Thought Leaders Summit in Melbourne City this week I was reminded just how important it is to express who you are in any crowd.

I absolutely love any Thought Leaders event because they take me right outside my comfort zone.  The attendees are predominantly high energy presenters, speakers and entrepreneurs who make a lot of money just by being themselves.

At these types of events I always sense a definite hint of testosterone in the air, which tends to activate my fight or flight senses. My inner nerd kicks in at any networking event and as I'm registering I always have an urgent need to leave - FAST!

This is all about me and nothing about what anyone else in the room is doing but it can be challenging and brings up memories of all those Kleenex moments as I drove home from my early networking attempts believing I had to sell the room and feeling like a failure when I inevitably didn't give so much as one business card away. But yesterday I managed to stay all day and was richly rewarded for my tenacity.

Not only did I get mind shattering clarity on how to promote myself I also met some awesome like minded people. I'm still finding my place in it all and confess to feeling a little duck out of waterish after lunch because I hadn't found the inevitable kindred spirit I usually find anywhere I go.

Then close to the finish of the event I looked over and saw a lady wearing a pendant I recognised. It was like a bolt from the blue because the pendant was one of the amazing sacred geometry pieces made by  Zakay Glass Creations.  These pieces are energetically extraordinary and you would only be drawn to them if you had some kind of woo-woo connection.

So it was very easy for me to get into a conversation with the wearer in the bar after the formal part of the event closed.

Seeing as I don't drink its a miracle I was in the bar in the first place.  I was all rugged up (ready to hit the road at any nanno second) in my "growlly" coat, which was aptly named by one of my old bosses because of its distinctive leopard print fabric.  It is fully reversible but the dull grey suede side rarely gets a airing.

So when I spotted that pendant I was very quickly in deep conversation about spirit and how it fits with the corporate business world.  Within minutes we were joined by the only other person with a growlly jacket on who also had a interest in things spiritual.  

If any of us had decided to take the safe route in a predominately corporate crowd we probably wouldn't have met.  It was awesome to drive home feeling energised and happy with not one Kleenex in sight.  Shows if you stick with the plan and stay in the game eventually things (including networking) get better with time!

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