Sunday, January 18, 2015

The 5 Easy Steps to Writing Your Abundance Cheque

The 5 Easy Steps to Writing Your Abundance Cheque:
When: Each new moon
  1. Within 24 hours after a New Moon, take a cheque (check) from your chequebook (checkbook)
  2. Where it says “Pay to,” write your name
  3. In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount write “Paid in full”
  4. On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a dollar amount, write “Paid in full”
  5. Sign the cheque (check): “The Law of Abundance”
If you don’t have a cheque book perhaps you might like to use one of the designs we have made up for you – click here to download the pdf
You may even wish to write your cheque on the back of the possibilities diagram that comes with your email reminder
Do not put a date on the check. 
Do not write a specific dollar amount in the cheque.
Put it in a safe and special place and forget about it.
The Universe will take it from there.
Many people are sceptical about trying this until they do it.
After the first time they realise the power of these cheques and do them routinely every month!
Try it yourself and see!
This is purely designed as a fun thing to do – results are not guaranteed and results are dependent on your intent.
Dates & times are taken from various sources and I do my best to have accurate information but this is a free service designed purely as a reminder.  Please confirm with your own astrological sources to ensure you have the exact right times & time zones.
This tool will tell you the exact times in your timezone – click here

And most of all – make it FUN!!

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