
who is eligible to join one of my programs?

People who are totally serious about becoming all they can be and have a deep connection to their work or calling - no matter what that is.

I won't take on just anyone because this program is not for the faint hearted. I'm willing to give you an hour of my time to find out if I can help you.

I do this because it is my belief that we have a responsibility to share the gifts and talents we have been blessed with.  The planet and its inhabitants need to come to balance and its the passionate people with a mission who are going to ultimately going to bring about massive change.  It has always been this way in the past and passionate people are still what will bring about change in the future.

Certain people have been given the skills to do that but in general they aren't "out there" kind of people, but given the right knowledge and dedication they can get themselves right out on the edge of cohesion.

Without help their messages may never get heard in the right places.

If I hadn't stepped up and decided to take the challenges head on and overcame my fears and overcame me, because like everyone else I was my own worst enemy, I wouldn't have been able to help as many people as I have thus far. If I can do it anyone with passion in their soul can do it.

The world desperately needs more people spreading the light around the planet. I am prepared to share with you how I have got as far as I have to date and let you learn from my mistakes. I will continure to learn and continue to share.

Certainly you will make some mistakes of your own and part of my role is to be there to offer support and be your friend when you take a really hard knock. Together we can overcome anything.

I believe giving others the knowledge and wisdom we have learnt is the one way to help bring peace to the planet. All we need to do is step into our power and share our knowledge. 

When it starts to happen I promise it will
    • bring you the greatest joy you have ever felt in your heart

    • fill you with a great sense of accomplishment and meaning

    • dispel that feeling of being alone and different

    • allow you to work with and make a difference for thousands more people than you have ever dreamt of working with

    • allow you to play with some really cool like minded people!
Wanna play??? Email Margz if you have any questions